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Media Owner and Publisher:

Kirchenwirt in Aigen im Ennstal

Kirchenwirt Aigen
Fritz GmbH & Co KG

Aigen Nr. 8
8943 Aigen im Ennstal

Tel.: +43 3682 / 23310
Fax: +43 3682 / 233104
E-Mail: nfkrchnwrt-gnt

UID No.: ATU 62931536
Chamber Affiliation: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Division: hospitality, passenger transportation
Purpose of Business: hotel and restaurant

Commercial Registry No.: 283752h
Commercial Jurisdiction: Landesgericht Leoben
Competent Authority per E-Commerce Act: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Liezen
Legal Status: company with limited liability and limited partnership
C.E.O.: Ing. Josef Fritz

Web Concept, Design, CMS & Programming

INTERNET-XL, A-8962 Gröbming

Photo Sources

Fritz Family
Photographer: Erich Hagspiel
Aerial Panorama: Village of Aigen im Ennstal | Schladming-Dachstein | Leader Region Ennstal-Ausseerland

Informationen zur Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14. Abs. 1 ODR-VO:

The EU Commission offers the opportunity for online dispute resolution by means of their ODR platform. This platform is a valuable resource for extra-judicial resolution of disputes arising from online purchase- or service contracts.
The platform may be found at

Data Privacy Policy

All information about privacy you can find here.

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Data Privacy Policy

This website uses the following external components: maps, videos, hotel ratings, inquiry form, online booking and information about the holiday region which use cookies to collect information about your behavior and help to optimize the website.

Necessary Cookies are always loaded!